
Our Mission: To identify and provide support to those residents most in need. To ensure suitable accommodation and access to basic living needs to be safe, secure and productive in our community.
To coordinate funding from government, non-profit groups and any other donations to work to these ends, in whatever way necessary.

The North Shuswap Disaster Relief Society has the goal of connecting those in need with funds and services to help. We can’t help everyone affected by this fire, but we can work with those most in need, and do our best to get you to a point where you’re warm, safe and fed through the winter. Any assistance provided by the Society will pay suppliers to help you. There are no cash grants direct to the applicant.

Apply for Help

Select the Apply for help menu item above and fill in the needs assessment form or

Or you can email us at info@nsdisasterrelief.ca and we’ll send you a form.

Make a Donation

If you wish to help your neighbours and friends affected by the Fire, please donate to the Wildfire Relief Fund administered by the Shuswap Community Foundation. These funds will come to us and you will receive a charitable tax receipt. Your donation may also be eligible.

Be sure to note Wildfire Relief on your cheque or transfer to be sure it gets to the right place.